CDCS real exam dumps: EXIN EPI Certified Data Centre Specialist & CDCS free practice exam

CDCS real exam dumps: EXIN EPI Certified Data Centre Specialist & CDCS free practice exam

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Actual4dump is a reliable platform to provide candidates with effective study braindumps that have been praised by all users. For find a better job, so many candidate study hard to prepare the EXIN EPI Certified Data Centre Specialist, it is not an easy thing for most people to pass the CDCS Exam, therefore, our website can provide you with efficient and convenience learning platform, so that you can obtain as many certificates as possible in the shortest time.

It is the right time to advance your professional career. You can do this easily after passing the EXIN EPI Certified Data Centre Specialist CDCS certification exam. To pass the EXIN CDCS exam the EXIN CDCS Exam Practice test questions are the right choice. The updated and real EXIN Dumps are ready for download. Just download and start preparation.

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EXIN CDCS Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Data Centre Environmental Considerations and Efficiency: This section evaluates the proficiency of data center professionals in addressing environmental factors and promoting efficiency within data center operations. The target audience, including data center managers and engineers, will be tested on their ability to identify and implement measures that enhance energy efficiency, cooling management, and sustainable practices.
Topic 2
  • Designing and Implementing a Data Centre: In this module, the exam assesses the knowledge of Exin data center professionals tasked with the design and implementation of data centers. Candidates will learn the key principles of creating an efficient data center layout, including considerations for scalability, redundancy, and security.
Topic 3
  • Data Centre Life Cycle and Standards: This section of the exam measures the skills of data center professionals and covers the various stages involved in the life cycle of a data center, from planning and design to implementation and decommissioning.

EXIN EPI Certified Data Centre Specialist Sample Questions (Q20-Q25):

The temperature in the computer room is being increased from 18°C/64°F to 27°C/81°F.
What is the impact, if any, on the amount of gas required to suppress a fire assuming the gas is a Halocarbon?

  • A. The amount of gas required will be lower
  • B. The change to the amount of gas cannot be determined without knowing the change in humidity as well
  • C. The amount of gas required will not change
  • D. The amount of gas required will be higher

Answer: A

With Halocarbon fire suppression systems, as the temperature increases, the amount of gas required for effective suppression decreases. This is because Halocarbon agents are stored as a liquid and discharge as a gas, expanding more at higher temperatures. As a result, less agent is needed at higher room temperatures to achieve the desired concentration for fire suppression.
Detailed Explanation:
Halocarbons rely on specific volumetric concentrations to suppress fires. Higher temperatures cause the agent to expand more rapidly, effectively filling the protected area with less agent needed to reach the required concentration. This is in contrast to some other gases, where temperature changes might not have the same effect on discharge quantities.
EPI Data Center Specialist References:
EPI data center training on fire suppression indicates that understanding the physical properties of agents like Halocarbons is key for correct system sizing. As the temperature rises, the gas expands more readily, thus requiring adjustments in the amount needed for effective coverage.

The air intake of the mission-critical server at the top of the rack is measuring 25 °C/77 °F.
Is this acceptable?

  • A. No, the temperature needs to be 20 °C/68 °F
  • B. Yes, this is allowed according to the standards and guidelines
  • C. As long as it does not exceed the average server room temperature of 38 °C/100 °F
  • D. Depends on the ANSI/TIA-942 Rating the data center needs to comply with

Answer: B

An air intake temperature of 25 °C (77 °F) at the top of the rack is acceptable according to data center standards and guidelines, such as those from ASHRAE. This temperature falls within the recommended range for inlet temperatures, which is typically between 18°C (64°F) and 27°C (81°F).
Detailed Explanation:
ASHRAE standards provide guidelines on acceptable temperature ranges for air intake in data centers to balance cooling efficiency and equipment safety. A temperature of 25°C is within the recommended operational range, allowing data centers to optimize energy efficiency while maintaining safe conditions for IT equipment.
EPI Data Center Specialist References:
EPI guidelines align with ASHRAE recommendations for server intake temperatures, confirming that 25°C is within acceptable limits for most mission-critical equipment. This ensures the data center maintains an efficient and reliable environment.

The 'maximum exposed area' of the fire-rated glass is defined by the supplier as 3 sqm/32 sqft. The window area is 4 sqm/43 sqft.
What would be the best option?

  • A. Split the window in two equal parts fitted together with transparent silicon glue.
  • B. Split the window into parts smaller than specified as the maximum exposed area and ensure fire-rated frames are used.
  • C. Split the window in two equal parts using an aluminum frame.
  • D. Do not use fire-rated glass due to the size limit and replace it with normal glass.

Answer: B

When the window area exceeds the maximum exposed area specified for fire-rated glass, it is necessary to split the window into sections that comply with the fire rating requirements. This means creating smaller sections that are each within the 3 sqm/32 sqft limit and using fire-rated frames to ensure that the entire assembly meets fire safety standards. This approach maintains the fire-rated integrity of the glass, while allowing for larger window areas.
Detailed Explanation:
Fire-rated glass is designed to contain fire and prevent it from spreading. If the window exceeds the maximum exposed area defined by the supplier, the integrity of the fire-rated glass could be compromised. By dividing the window into compliant sections with fire-rated frames, you ensure that each pane performs as intended in the event of a fire. Fire-rated frames help maintain the fire resistance across the entire assembly, making this option the best for safety and compliance.
EPI Data Center Specialist References:
EPI recommends adhering strictly to fire safety standards, especially when using materials like fire-rated glass. The guidelines emphasize that modifications should always respect the manufacturer's specifications to ensure the system remains effective in containing and preventing the spread of fire.

What indicates the breaking capacity of a fuse or breaker?

  • A. Mechanical strength of the casing of a fuse or breaker.
  • B. The maximum voltage, in case of an electrical surge, that the fuse or breaker can handle without being destroyed or causing an electric damaging arc.
  • C. The current at which the device will trip.
  • D. The current that a fuse or breaker is able to interrupt without being destroyed or causing an electric damaging arc.

Answer: D

The breaking capacity of a fuse or breaker indicates the maximum current it can safely interrupt without being damaged or creating a dangerous arc. This value is crucial for ensuring that the device can handle fault conditions and prevent equipment damage or fire risks due to excessive current flow.
Detailed Explanation:
The breaking capacity, also known as the interrupting rating, ensures that the fuse or breaker can safely handle fault currents up to a specified limit. Exceeding this capacity could result in the device failing to interrupt the current, potentially causing hazardous conditions like electrical arcs.
EPI Data Center Specialist References:
EPI training underscores the importance of matching fuses and breakers with appropriate breaking capacities for the anticipated fault levels in data centers to ensure reliable and safe operation.

An air-conditioner unit needs to be selected. Two types are available:
Unit-A has a Sensible Heat Ratio (SHR) of 0.7.
Unit-B has a Sensible Heat Ratio (SHR) of 0.9.
From an efficiency point of view, which one should be selected?

  • A. Unit A
  • B. It does not matter, as the Sensible Heat Ratio has nothing to do with efficiency.
  • C. Unit B
  • D. Not relevant, as Sensible Heat Ratio is only specified for air-conditioner equipment to indicate the ratio between intake temperature and exhaust temperature.

Answer: C

From an efficiency standpoint, Unit B with a Sensible Heat Ratio (SHR) of 0.9 is preferable. A higher SHR indicates that a greater proportion of the air conditioner's capacity is dedicated to sensible cooling (temperature reduction) rather than latent cooling (moisture removal). In data centers, sensible cooling is more critical since IT equipment primarily generates heat without adding significant moisture.
Detailed Explanation:
An SHR of 0.9 means that 90% of the cooling capacity is used for sensible cooling, which is more efficient for environments like data centers where humidity control is typically less of a concern. Opting for an air conditioner with a higher SHR ensures that most of the cooling energy is focused on temperature reduction, making Unit B more efficient in this scenario.
EPI Data Center Specialist References:
EPI data center best practices recommend choosing cooling units with higher SHR values in data centers, as they better match the cooling needs of IT equipment. High SHR units improve cooling efficiency by concentrating on sensible heat removal, which is vital for maintaining the optimal thermal environment.


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